- In 2021, the average annual number of job vacancies was 7 thousand, increasing by 5.0 thousand as against the previous year.
- The average annual job vacancy rate1 was 86%, increasing by 0.09 percentage points as against the previous year.
(Average annual job vacancy rate and average annual number of job vacancies – evolution)
The average annual job vacancy rate and the average annual number of job vacancies by economic activities
In 2021, the highest values of the average annual job vacancy rates were registered in public administration (2.02%), in arts, entertainment and recreation (1.72%), respectively in human health and social work activities (1.61%).
In manufacturing was concentrated over one fifth of the average annual number of job vacancies (9.3 thousand job vacancies), having an average annual rate of 0.85%.
The budgetary sector2 summed up over 30% of the average annual number of job vacancies, the highest values were found in human health and social work activities (5.9 thousand job vacancies), followed by public administration (5.6 thousand job vacancies), respectively education (1.5 thousand job vacancies).
At the opposite side, the lowest value for the average annual job vacancy rate were found in mining and quarrying (0.20%), respectively in other service activities (0.23%) and the average annual number of job vacancies known the lowest values in real estate activities and mining and quarrying, under 100 job vacancies each.
Year 2021 compared to year 2020
As against the previous year, in almost all economic activities increases for both indicators were registered. Thus, the most significant increases of the average annual job vacancy rates were found in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (+0.51 percentage points), arts, entertainment and recreation (+0.40 percentage points), respectively financial and insurance activities (+0.37 percentage points).
As concerning the average annual number of job vacancies, the most relevant increases were noticed in manufacturing (+1.8 thousand job vacancies), accommodation and food service activities (+0.6 thousand job vacancies), followed human health and social work activities and information and communication (+0.5 thousand job vacancies each).
At the opposite side, the most significant decrease for both the average annual rate and the average annual number of job vacancies was found in other service activities (-1.73 percentage points, respectively -0.8 thousand job vacancies).
(Average annual job vacancy rate and the average annual number of job vacancies, by economic activities – difference 2021 vs. 2020)
The average annual job vacancy rate and the average annual number of job vacancies by major groups of occupations
In 2021, the highest demand for paid labour force expressed by employers through both the average annual rate and the average annual number of job vacancies was noticed for occupations related to professionals – major group 2 (1.12%, respectively 12.4 thousand job vacancies).
Also, the average annual rate knew higher values for clerical support workers – major group 4 (1.10%), elementary occupations – major group 9 (0.89%), respectively technicians and associate professionals – major group 3 (0.85%).
As concerning the average annual number of job vacancies, important values were found amongst the occupations related to service and sales workers – major group 5, respectively elementary occupations – major group 9 (5.9 thousand job vacancies each).
At the opposite side, the lowest demand for paid labour force for both the average annual rate and the average annual number of job vacancies was for skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers – major group 6 (0.50%, respectively 0.1 thousand job vacancies), respectively for managers – major group 1 (0.50%, respectively 1.8 thousand job vacancies).
Year 2021 compared to year 2020
As against 2020, in almost all major groups of occupations increases were registered, for both the average annual rate and the average annual number of job vacancies.
The most relevant increases of the average annual job vacancy rate were found for occupations related to professionals – major group 2 (+0.25 percentage points), craft and related trades workers – major group 7 (+0.12 percentage points) and skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers – major group 6 (+0.11 percentage points).
The average annual number of job vacancies knew the most significant increases for professionals – major group 2 (+3.0 thousand job vacancies), elementary occupations – major group 9, respectively craft and related trades workers – major group 7 (+0.6 thousand job vacancies each).
At the opposite side, for both the average annual rate and the average annual number of job vacancies, the occupations related to plant and machine operators and assemblers – major group 8 knew a slight decrease (-0.03 percentage points, respectively -0.1 thousand job vacancies).
(Average annual job vacancy rate and average annual number of job vacancies, by major groups of occupation – difference 2021 vs. 2020)
The average annual job vacancy rate and the average annual number of job vacancies by development regions
In 2021, the highest values of the average annual job vacancy rate were registered in Bucharest- Ilfov region (1.23%), West region (1.11%), respectively North-West region (0.92%).
In territorial profile, employers presented the most significant demand for paid labour force expressed through the average annual number of job vacancies in Bucharest-Ilfov region (13.9 thousand job vacancies), which represented about one third from the average annual number of job vacancies at country level.
The North-West region (6.2 thousand job vacancies), respectively West (5.3 thousand job vacancies) summed 27% from the average annual number of job vacancies at country level.
At the opposite side, for both the average annual job vacancy rate and the average annual number of job vacancies, the lowest values were in South-West Oltenia region (0.37%, respectively
1.4 thousand job vacancies), followed by North- East region (0.62%, respectively 3.5 thousand job vacancies).
(Average annual job vacancy rate and the average annual number of job vacancies, by development regions – difference 2021 vs. 2020)
Year 2021 compared to year 2020
As against the previous year, in almost all the development regions, for both the average annual number of job vacancies and the average annual job vacancy rate increases were registered.
Thus, the most relevant increases were noticed in Bucharest-Ilfov region (+2.3 thousand job vacancies, respectively +0.18 percentage points), respectively in West region (+1.2 thousand job vacancies, respectively +0.24 percentage points).
At the opposite side, the only decrease was highlighted in the South-Muntenia region (-0.1 thousand job vacancies, respectively -0.03 percentage points).
1 Average annual job vacancies rate represents the ratio between the average annual number of job vacancies and total number of jobs (occupied and vacant, except those blocked or meant only for promotion inside the enterprise or institution), expressed in percentages.
2 see Methodological notes related to the “budgetary sector”.
National Institute of Statistics
Additional information can be obtained on-line accessing TEMPO database ((starting with March 30th, 2022): http://statistici.insse.ro:8077/tempo- online/#/pages/tables/insse-table