Crop production in Romania

The cultivated area in 2021, compared to 2020, decreased for cereals for grains, dried pulses, potatoes and vegetables and increased for oilseed crops.

Compared to the previous year, the crop production increased in 2021 for cereals for grains, oilseed crops and dried pulses and decreased for potatoes and vegetables.

 Table 1: Cultivated area and production of main crops

      Differences (±)
Cultivated area Production year 2021
-thou ha- -thou tonnes- compared to 2020
20201) 20212) 20201) 20212) -thou ha- -thou tonnes-
Cereals for grains 5338 5273 18154 27196 -65 +9042
of which:            
-wheat 2155 2167 6392 10325 +12 +3933
-barley and two-row barley 442 435 1141 1874 -7 +733
-oats 101 87 197 210 -14 +13
-maize grains 2537 2493 10097 14445 -44 +4348
Dried pulses 107 82 122 168 -25 +46
Oilseed crops 1679 1695 3229 4526 +16 +1297
of which:            
-sunflower 1143 1112 2123 2818 -31 +695
-soya beans 169 140 322 347 -29 +25
-rape 363 438 780 1353 +75 +573
Potatoes 98 84 1601 1378 -14 -223
Vegetables3) 201 195 3483 3440 -6 -43

1) Rectified data compared to those previously published.

2) Provisional data.

3) It includes the cultivated area and the production of vegetables grown in fields, greenhouses, solaria and kitchen gardens.

Year 2021 compared to 2020

An increase in the yields of the main crops was registered in 2021.

Cereals for grains

The area cultivated with cereals for grains decreased by 1.2%, while the production increased by 49.8% compared to the previous year, mainly due to the yields per hectare (average production per hectare).

In 2021, the area cultivated with maize grains represented 47.3% of the area cultivated with cereals for grains and the area cultivated with wheat, 41.1%.

The production of cereals increased mainly due to the growth of 61.5% of the wheat production which held a share of 38.0% in the production of cereals.

Dried pulses

The production increased compared to the previous year by 37.7%, mainly due to the increase of the yield per hectare.

Oilseed crops

The production increased by 40.2% and the cultivated area by 1.0%. Increases in production were registered for rape (+73.5%), sunflower (+32.7%) and soya beans (+7.8%).


The cultivated area decreased by 14.3% and the production by 13.9%.


The production decreased by 1.2% due to the decrease of the cultivated area.

Table  2:  The  area  of  bearing  vineyards  and  of  fruit  bearing  tree  plantations,  grape  production  and  fruit production


      Differences (±)
Area Production year 2021
-thou ha- -thou tonnes- compared to 2020
20201) 20212) 20201) 20212) -thou ha- -thou tonnes-
Bearing vineyards 3) 167 165 936 995 -2 +59
Fruit bearing tree plantations (fruit bearing orchards) 136 137 826 917 +1 +91

1) Rectified data compared to those previously published.

2) Provisional data.

3) It includes the cultivated area and the production of grapes from vineyards grown in fields and in kitchen gardens.


In 2021, the production of grapes increased by 6.3% compared to the previous year due to the increase of the yield per hectare (+7.6%) and the cultivated area decreased by 1.2%.

Fruit bearing tree plantations (fruit bearing orchards)

The fruit production in orchards increased by 11.0% compared to the previous year due to the increase of the yields per hectare but also of the cultivated areas.

The cultivated areas and the productions for wheat, maize grains, sunflower and potatoes, in Romania and in some Member States of the European Union, in 2021 – provisional data

Chart 1: Cultivated area (thou hectares)

Source: Eurostat

Note: For Netherlands, 2020 data were used for wheat. Chart data in (xls) format

 Chart 2: Production (thou tonnes)

Source: Eurostat

Note: For Netherlands, 2020 data were used for wheat; for France, Poland and Slovakia, 2020 data were used for potatoes. Chart data in (xls) format

Romania compared to some Member States of the European Union in 2021 

  • For maize grains and sunflower, Romania ranked first both for cultivated area and production;
  • For wheat, Romania ranked fourth for cultivated area and production after France, Germany and
  • For potatoes, Romania ranked sixth for cultivated area after Germany, Poland, Netherlands, France and Belgium and eighth for production after Germany, France, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and

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